Friday, October 18, 2019

What’s Your Secret Sauce? - 16A

1) Five ways in which I think I have human capital are:

  • Disciplined: This is a skill I have recently improved on and continuously work hard to maintain it. From making my bed first thing in the morning to completing my school work on time, I strive to accomplish my daily tasks no matter how motived or unmotived I am, it will get done.
  • Well- Mannered: This is a quality I'm proud to possess. Whether professionally or personally, the use of manners is essential and something I challenge myself to have even if the person I'm dealing with doesn't show the common courtesy back. From saying please and thank you, to holding doors for strangers, manners are my number one quality. 
  • Honest: No matter the situation, if you ask for my honest opinion, you will get it. I do not sugar coat things, but at the same time, I show respect to the person asking the question. I don't think you need to be rude or cruel when someone asks for your advice on something. This also goes for being an honest person when it comes to conducting business or schoolwork.
  • Adventurous: I like being spontaneous, and I'm always up for anything and everything. I love immersing myself in new experiences. For me, making memories is worth more than material possession. I've been lucky to have visited over 35 countries and have done some adventurous things such as bungee jumped and skydived. There are also once in a lifetime activities and opportunities I've been lucky to have participated in that I will forever cherish. 
  • Organized: I base my mental health on how organized I am with my life and my surroundings. If my space is disorganized, I feel like my life is not in order and makes me spiral into a depressive state. As crazy as that sounds, I pride myself on being super organized because it helps me stay on track with other areas of my personal and professional life. 

2) I asked five of my friends on what they think makes me different, here are their responses:

Friend #1:

It's so nice to have a friend say such lovely things about you. I love being friends with someone I can be open and have a good conversation with. I don't trust many people, so being vulnerable with someone means that their energy matches yours.

Friend #2:

I love that she said I give genuine advice because I try my best to be honest and compassionate with others. I live my life by the golden rule: Treat others how you want to be treated. I give my loyalty and trust to my friends that have earned and appreciate it.

Friend #3:

I sometimes feel like I have much more to accomplish or that I'm so far behind from the rest of my friends, but hearing such beautiful words of encouragement makes my heart happy. I have to remind myself that people are rooting for me and that I should do the same for myself.

Friend #4:

If you want to find out if you're compatible with someone, live or travel with them. It's hard to find people who you can truly be yourself with, and that still want to be around you or you around them. I cherish this friendship because she knows me the best and compliments and accepts my personality.

Friend #5:

You don't choose your family, but you choose your friends. I pride myself on having good people around me, and that I know are genuinely my real friends. If you're in my inner circle, you'll always get 100% of me, no matter what.

3) It was weird but nice hearing such wonderful things about myself from my perspective of my friends. For the most part, they mostly agreed with my own assessment of being organized and honest. I never thought of myself as being dependable but in a way that could fall into the category of being disciplined. If I make plans with you or if you need me, I'm there, no questions asked. For the most part, what you see is what you get with me, and I think that shows in my answers and in my friends' as well. My favorite description was being called strong and courageous. It takes a lot for me to view myself as those things, but it makes it easier to believe in them when someone else points them out for you.


  1. Fiorella,

    Those are some awesome qualities to have! Great job expanding on your human capital. I also like to think that I possess some of these qualities too and agree that they are something to be proud of. When listening to your interviews, it is clear that your friends know you very well and have great things to say about your character and skills. I also felt a little weird hearing my close friends say nice things about me. This assignment really helped me learn more about myself and how others perceive me.

  2. Hi,
    These are some amazing qualities you have! Great job on this assignment! It seems like all your friends know you very well and sometimes they know you better than you know yourself. It's amazing to know what your friends truly think of you. Keep up the good work.

  3. Hi Fiorella,
    I'm sure those qualities will help you do an excellent job regardless of which field it is. As for being an entrepreneur, in my opinion, adventurousness and disciplinary are extremely crucial for being successful. I'm also glad to see that you have who truly know those great qualities of you.

  4. Hey Fiorella,
    I have liked the organization of this blog post and all of the one you have previously created. For this reason, I was not surprised that organized was one of your qualities. I agree with you that it is nice, but fairly odd, to ear your friends say such nice things about you. You can learn so much about who you are through others.


Final Reflection - 30A

1) Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- the f...