Thursday, October 3, 2019

Idea Napkin - 11A

1) I am a Business student at the University of Florida with a passion for self-improvement and wanting to live a life I'm proud of. I'm driven, disciplined, motivated, and a hard worker. I have experience in developing a concept and seeing it through with the various projects I've worked on throughout the years. I also know first hand how hard it maintains a healthy lifestyle that includes working out, so I can identify what is needed and lacking in most gyms. I'd love to create a gym that will target young millennials that don't have a clue on how to use the equipment properly or find the drive and motivation to actually go.

2) A gym that will have video instructions in each station that will guide and teach you on how to properly use the equipment as well as the number of reps for your desired goal. Membership will be focused on a reward system that will incentivize you to check in a workout. Goals will be set up with a gym trainer, and based on monthly achievements, you're monthly dues would be reduced. Also, monthly prizes and rewards would be award to motivate members to achieve their goals and go to the gym. Prizes could include money, tickets to events or games, massages, gym accessories, fitness tracker watches, etc. The funds used to purchase these prizes would come from the penalty fees associated with members not showing up to the days they committed. By charing a $25 penalty fee, it will motivate people to make going to the gym a priority, if not, it will cost them.

3) Mostly millennials who prefer to workout in a gym environment and want to improve their health. The ages would probably be around 20-40 years old, who have careers, families, and other responsibilities but lack the motivation to workout. They respond well to a reward system to help them achieve their goals.

4) People want to look and feel good. Working out increases confidence, productivity, and energy levels and in return, will make people happier. People would gladly pay a monthly fee to achieve those goals. Since the gym includes prizes based on performance, members will view them as mini-challenges and will be competitive enough to participate.

5) What will set this gym apart is the way it will be operated. Members will feel like they are part of something special and beneficial to them and nothing like they're used to. It's proven facts that reward systems work for something to be achieved. I hate to compare people to puppies, but when you're trying to train your puppy, you reward them with a treat when they do something good, this instills in their mind that what they're doing is right. Same works with humans.  Reward and accountability are the two main components of this new gym.

I believe all these five elements fit well together and would be a great business concept and something that has longevity. No matter where you are in life, the opportunity to feel and look, your best is something most people want to achieve.


  1. Hey Fiorella,
    Great idea. Adding a reward system and sense of real progress to a gym could truly help people that may feel intimidated by the gym. You could definitely target these people to create an atmosphere that is fun and shows results. If I were to do this gym, I'd definitely be excited to go in every day. Good job on this.

  2. Great work! I love your idea. Rewards are a great incentive to motivate people at the gym. As we know exercising is very important but not the most enjoyable. This would definitely make time at the gym more exciting and people would actually enjoy going to the gym for once.

  3. Hi Fiorella,

    I love learning more about your idea because I feel that many people would benefit from this and ultimately live a healthier lifestyle. I like that you included all of the benefits from working out aside from just physical experience. I agree that all elements of your idea coincide and will ultimately increase the amount of gym users. Have instructions on gym equipment would definitely motivate me to try new exercises at the gym. Good work!!

  4. Hi Fiorella,
    You have successfully analyzed the psychological factors for people to build their routines of exercising. It's a really good idea to introduce such reward program to help your customers exercise on a regular basis. Personally, I would definitely go to such gyms that makes me feel good after accomplishing fitness goals.

  5. Hello Fiorella,
    The more I read about your topic, the more I think it could work. I think the best motivation is to reward gym users. This makes working out less like work and more like a fun game. I personally would go to your gym.


Final Reflection - 30A

1) Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- the f...