Thursday, October 10, 2019

Halfway Reflection - 14A

1) Tenaciousness is a competency. What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course?

Being disciplined is the number one quality I believe you must possess if you want to get an A in the course and hopefully become an entrepreneur one day. You need to make time to watch the weekly lectures and fully grasp the concepts being taught in the class to do well. You can't just "wing" because it will reflect in the quality of work you turn in and in your cupcake grade. Even though missing 1pt doesn't seem like a big deal, in the end, it might mean the difference of a letter grade, so you can't slack off.

2) Tenaciousness is also about attitude. Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up." What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months? What experience or experiences most contributed to this?

The second week I received a 0 in my 2A and 2B assignments because I waited until the last minute to complete and turn in my assignment. Even though I finished at 11:55am (which is already terrible, to begin with), I didn't understand how to turn in the assignment property. Resulting in me being closed out from the assignment page. I emailed the professor at 12:05pm with my link, and I let him know what happened. But unfortunately, rules are rules and anything past 12pm is late and will not be accepted- no exceptions. I felt defeated because I didn't want to start off the semester with a 0. I cried for about an hour but then pulled myself together and knew I was the only one to blame. From week 2 moving forward, I've never been late and have turned in all my assignments. The goal is to finish with an A+ in the class. Seeing my grade go up from the 0 makes me work harder each week. Not only prove to myself that I am an A student, but to my professor as well.

3) Three tips. What are three tips you would offer next semester's student about (1) fostering the skills that support tenacity and (2) developing the 'tenacious mindset'?

  • Time Management:  Whatever you do, do not start your assignments the day they are due. I learned this the hard way. You might get lucky a few times and turn it before the 12pm deadline, but trust me, there will be a day where you're luck will run out, and you'll end up with a 0. Do not do that to yourself! Take the time to complete the assignment the night before if you can. 
  • Take Notes: Whenever I watch the lectures, I always make sure I listen carefully to whatever the professor is teaching. This is where the questions from the cupcakes will be taken from, so you want to make sure you write down the important topics discussed. Sometimes they're taken from the stories he tells us, so pay attention to everything! From the six cupcakes we've taken, I've gotten 5/5 in all of them except one, which I got a 4/5. Although each cupcake is only worth one point, I take them very seriously because I would hate to not reach my goal grade in this class for just a point. 
  • Take The Class Seriously: Although you're most likely taking this course because it's a requirement for your degree, I urge you to take the class seriously. There are many great tips found in each lecture that could help you in the future. Even if your aspirations are not to become an entrepreneur, being open to the possibility will help you succeed in this class, and who knows, maybe change your mind, and you might discover a new business idea within your next assignment or lecture. 


  1. Hi,
    I agree with the amount of effort that this class requires, because it has multiple assignment a week that often require interviews with others and take time to plan. Also, the cupcakes are difficult even if you watch the lectures right before it, because the type of questions that are asked are wording specific or based on analogies that may have not been highlighted in the lecture. Which is why I agree about the taking notes tip that you said and the time management. I also missed an assignment, because I was traveling at the time and it was extremely frustrating as well, but with the extra credit that will be offered it is still possible to get an A which is good.

  2. Hi,
    Great work on your halfway reflection in this class. I completely agree that this classes required you to put in a lot of hard work. Some people take the cupcakes for granted and slack off and in the end it affects their grade heavily. I'm glad that you learned your lesson by waiting last minute to turn in an assignment. I myself have learned my lesson in a different class by procrastinating. Keep up the good work!

  3. Fiorella,

    I completely agree with you on the fact that you cannot "wing" anything in this class because slacking off could lead to a bad grade in this class. It is good that you overcame that little hiccup toward the beginning of the course so now you know to allow yourself more time to turn in the assignments. Always telling yourself that you can do better is helpful when taking this course. Your three tips for future students are very applicable for this course and I, myself, have been abiding by these tips. Great work!


Final Reflection - 30A

1) Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- the f...