Thursday, October 3, 2019

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior - 12A

1) The gym will target millennials ages 20-40 years of age that live in the central Florida area who want to make working out part of their daily routine. This age group will do well with the reward system and find it useful.

2) I interviewed three individuals ages 30-35 who do not currently go to a gym regularly but would like to include it in their everyday routine.

3) All three people said that they're lack of energy and motivation were the culprit of them not exercising. One of the people, who is female age 31, lives across the street from the gym but is too lazy to get off the couch. She is aware that her laziness is standing in the way of her becoming happier and healthier. Another person I interviewed, male age 35, says that he tried going to the gym after work but finds his energy levels to be too low in the evenings. Perhaps going before work would better suit him, but that he hasn't found the motivated to go at 6am, even though he naturally is up at that time. The last person, female age 32, has two kids and is married, and feels guilty going to the gym instead of preparing their family dinner. All three individuals are aware of their need to go to the gym and have the desire to do so, but they lack the proper incentive to get up and actually go. My gym would be great for all three of them.

4) Most of the people I interviewed knew precisely what they needed to do after they told me their reasoning on not going to the gym. The mom that worried about making her family dinner said that she could probably start to prep that same morning that way, the food would be quicker to prepare or just have her husband cook. The guy that was too tired to workout in the evenings suggested that maybe working out in the mornings would result in him going to the gym. They all realized that these excuses for not going to the gym were just that... excuses. You can tell they all want to make a change but just need the right tools and motivation to make it happen.

5) All three people who I interviewed found my gym concept exciting and innovative and would want to join. I realized that people want to feel good about themselves because, in return, that makes them a better friend, spouse, and person.

6) The awareness is there from all three individuals, as well as the previous people I interviewed in the other assignment. They all are needing a gym concept like mine, and I know they would all do well. By achieving their goals, they will spread the idea to their family and friends, and that will give them accountability and people who could join them as well in their fitness journey.


  1. Hey Fiorella,
    Nice notes on your gym idea. I think that something of this caliber is extremely innovative and possible! It's good that you understand what the buyer will want, though. Not doing so could lead you to lose lots of money and time trying to figure out why people aren't coming to your gym. Good work.

  2. Hi Fiorella,

    I think that this is a great target segment for your gym ideas. You did a great job summarizing your interviews and finding people that would benefit from your idea. It is good that you feel even more confident after talking to more people about gym plans. It is clear that people want to work out, but sometimes feel discouraged in the gym environment. Great work!!

  3. Great work on your idea! I can see that you've put a lot of thought into this idea. It is very innovative and I love it! That hardest part of going to gym is having motivation to go. Spreading the idea is crucial to it becoming a success. Keep up the good work!

  4. Hi Fiorella,
    Your segment selection is really precise. Because as reflected from results of your three interviews, your business idea had covered most of interviewees' needs and they tend to like your idea. I'm also a huge fan of this idea and would be one of customers of such business.

  5. Hello Fiorella,
    I relate to the girl who was to lazy to get out of bed and walk across the street. I know your gym would work because even I am intrigued. It makes the thought of going to the gym exciting and fun.


Final Reflection - 30A

1) Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- the f...